Monday, October 4, 2010

Waterton Fall 2010

Last week my Sister Jewel insisted that I leave my kids with her and go for a drive.   I tried to refuse, because really I didn't want to take advantage of her the way I always do, and I didn't even really feel up to it- but she was insistent!   As in, would NOT take "no" for an answer.   Why?   Well, because she is awesome like that I suppose.   And even though I had not planned on going anywhere, I relented and agreed to let her babysit my kids.   Again.   Why?  Well- because who wouldn't take advantage of the chance for some alone time.   And also - because it is fall, and every year I try to snap some photos when the autumn colors are at it's best!

Naturally my drive took me down some back roads past beazer to a favorite view of Chief Mountain.   
After snapping this photo it was time to move on to Waterton!     

The closer I got to Waterton the more excited I became.
  I could see the blazing orange leaves that covered the foothills and lower parts of the Rockies and I just KNEW that it was going to be a beautiful day!

This little body of water will hopefully soon be a temporary home to hundreds of migrating birds!
I've heard about the birds that come here, but have always missed seeing it for myself. 
This year is the year though.

And this is what greeted me as soon as I entered the park!   This is one of my favorites of the drive.   The water was such a beautiful shade of blue, and I loved the different colors that cover this scene.

It has been difficult for me to walk lately, so sadly, all of these pictures were taken from inside my van.    I could hardly capture the beauty of each spot under such circumstances - but I don't think you can go wrong when the subject is this:

Or This:

Or This:

It is at this time that I want to send out a plea to my Sister-in-law Sarah to please come back to Waterton next summer.   She used to play Classical music during High Tea here at the Prince of Whales Hotel - and this past summer she did not return to play.   Oddly enough, this past summer was perhaps the most miserable and difficult summer of my life. 

I'm not trying to sound dramatic or blame ya Sarah.  
 I'm just noticing some parallels that's all.

All summer we have watched as workers have built a trail along the side of the road.  It begins at the park entrance and goes all of the way into the townsite.   More then anything I wanted to get out and walk that trail and just soak up all of the colors.   Next year for sure!!!

I love this place.  It makes me feel Happy.

Well, at the risk of sounding redundant,, and for the third year in a row Thank You Jewel. 
This annual fall drive to Waterton is perhaps my favorite one of each year!  
Thanks for knowing exactly what I needed, and for not taking "no" for an answer
I didn't really mean it anyways;)

1 comment:

shauna said...

Beautiful pictures Tanis. I need to start a Fall Drive in Waterton tradition. The colours are so beautiful.