Sunday, April 11, 2010

A humbling Drive

This past Saturday I took one of the young women in our ward on my customary weekend drive out to Waterton. These little trips I take are increasing in frequency and I honestly don't know how John puts up with it. :) There is nothing more enjoyable to me, then stealing two hours and rushing out to Waterton, or getting lost (literally) on some old back road, in an attempt to get a great photo.

Anyways, back to Saturday. I heard of a young woman in our ward who enjoys photography, and thought she might like to tag along. It proved to be a most enjoyable experience for me. Albeit a little bit humbling.

I don't spend time with the youth very often, (that's John's department - mine is primary) so I wouldn't know, but have they always been this impressive?     It was so much fun to talk with her.   I didn't stop and take pictures nearly as often as I normallly do- I was too busy enjoying the conversation!  

 When she pulled out her Canon Rebel and started telling me about the "Rule of thirds" and the "S Rule" - I realized that I would most likely be learning from HER

My "retardednes" really shone through when, as I was climbing down a small hill to take a photo,   I lost my slip-on shoe in about 3 FEET of mountain snow! Who wears flip flops to the mountains?   She sure didn't.   I thought it was rather nice of her not to laugh at me.

Kids these days are so much less flaky then I was at that age.

It was a gorgeous drive as always.
And I'm always happy to learn a thing or two.

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