This past June I attended a wildflower photography course in Waterton.
The weather was BEAUTIFUL. Not too hot, but definitely not cold.
We met at the Info Center in Waterton, and then we all followed our Instructor Frans various locations around the park (but really outside the park) looking for wildflowers. Occasionally, he would give us tips and pointers that would be valuable to any photographer.
Here are a few of them searching through a field full of wild onion and shooting stars.
I loved every second of the morning, and was perfectly happy when our course went a little over time.
There is something about just being in nature and really noticing it that does wonders for ya. I really feel as though this course helped spark within me a deep interest for flowers, and I can hardly wait to get back to Waterton and see what other ones I can find.
Here are a few of the flowers that I saw today. I'll admit, I knew NONE of them before this morning, and I hope that the ones I identified are at least identified correctly!:)

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