Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Winged Migration

My Father in Law told me a few weeks back that March is a big month around here for Eagle watching. They are all migrating north again and we coveniently live right along a migratory path. I spent several days the past few weeks watching them. Such amazing birds! Each time I go out I have easily seen over a dozen. Bald eagles, Golden Eagles, and some pretty huge hawks as well. Nothing makes me more excited then seeing a magnificent animal in its own habitat. Breath taking!

Yesterday as I was driving around the back roads I was stopped by the Fish and Wildlife. They asked me if I had noticed anybody else out along these roads. Perhaps hunting. They said that some people have been shooting the eagles. Apparantly eagles are a hot commodity and they know of two vehicles specifically who are involved in this. It made me furious to think that people can be so wreckless! Money talks I guess. I found myself hoping that these birds would just hurry up and move on with their migration. As much as I've enjoyed watching them - they don't seem that safe here.

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