Saturday, January 24, 2009

Any day now...

Any day now, this friend of mine is going to have herself a little baby boy! These are some of the photos we took just a few days before her due date. Seriously, if I could look that good - pregnant. If only.

I got this idea from, oh EVERY photography site I look at.'s cute!

This ribbon idea, I stole from my friend Amanda over at CHICKS that CLICK. Now there is a real photographer:) I'm an imposter. A wannabe. My hope is that one day, a long long time from now, I might be good like her and all the others I watch.


KJAMBD said...

Great photos Tan! I wish I did a cute little shot like that when I was pregnant! Man, where were you a little over a year ago?

Dick Family said...

Tanis, you did an awesome job!!! You're very talented!