Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It was nice of Jordan and Luci to let me practice some photography on them. I don't think I could ever be good enough to do this professionally or anything but it is SUCH FUN to play around with a photo. Luci looks amazing and Jaxson is the most photogenic baby ever. Why do boys always get the features I want. His eyes and his complexion are gorgeous.     As for eyes- Jordan kept his Eye Rolling to a minimum which was nice. :))

Cute Family! I'm glad we're related!

I had to throw this one in for kicks. I think it showcases their personalities perfectly. These two can seriously do some damage when they want to. The only one missing is Jewels daughter Brooklyn.   Now, those three make up a great little trio!


Brianna said...

These are the cutest pictures ever! Tanis you are so great! Miss you guys!

Jordan and Luci said...

So cute! Thanks Tan! I'm excited to get them printed!